Systems Genetics
ReMedys integrates technologies to develop innovative approaches for improving healthspan. We are committed to the long-term development of the, platform, which seamlessly integrates mouse and human data, ensuring our results are ideal for clinical translation. Systems-genetics will be the data warehouse for Kharis data. is a systems genetics resource for exploring associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms, genes, pathways (modules) on the one hand and phenotypes on the other hand. The basic data are collected over the last decades in mouse and C.elegans genetic reference populations. Phenotyping efforts focussed on age-related phenotypes, ranging from the analysis of lifespan, to the characterization of phenotypes indicative of metabolic and kidney disease.
The embedded tool kit will allow the user to connect genotypes and phenotypes and provide strategies for systems analysis, QTL mapping / GWAS, PheWAS, and mediation analysis. Data are cross-validated with results from human cohorts. This seamless integration of mouse and human data, makes our results perfect for clinical translation.